Campus calendar feed, main

There is now a CONTENT FREEZE for Mercury while we switch to a new platform. It began on Friday, March 10 at 6pm and will end on Wednesday, March 15 at noon. No new content can be created during this time, but all material in the system as of the beginning of the freeze will be migrated to the new platform, including users and groups. Functionally the new site is identical to the old one.

Your feed items
Fragile Matter: Stress Networks and Stability of Athermal Solids
Times: 2018-04-17 to 2018-04-18, 3:00pm-3:59pm
ISYE/CHHS Seminar - Professor Derya Demirtas
Times: 2018-04-17 to 2018-04-18, 3:00pm-3:59pm
13th Annual Undergraduate Research Spring Symposium
Times: 2018-04-17 to 2018-04-18, 1:00pm-5:59pm
"Summer in the City," Dr. Jeremy Hoffman, Science Museum of Virginia
Times: 2018-04-17 to 2018-04-18, 11:00am-11:59am
Demystifying Student Crisis Response
Times: 2018-04-17 to 2018-04-18, 11:00am-11:59am
Bioengineering Seminar Series
Times: 2018-04-17 to 2018-04-18, 11:00am-11:59am
Canvas Training by Instructure Tuesday 4/17
Times: 2018-04-17 to 2018-04-18, 9:00am-3:59pm
Tax Day Extended Hours at the Post Office
Times: 2018-04-17 to 2018-04-18, 8:30am-5:59pm
Board of Regents Meeting
Times: 2018-04-17 to 2018-04-18, 12:00am-11:59pm
Walking through Space and Time with SMALLab Augmented Reality
Times: 2018-04-17 to 2018-04-21, 12:00am-11:59pm
Versatile PhD: Ask Me Anything
Times: 2018-04-17 to 2018-04-19, 12:00am-11:59pm
Pitching Your Work to the Public
Times: 2018-04-16 to 2018-04-17, 6:30pm-7:59pm
Course Design Month Off-Campus Studio Session
Times: 2018-04-16 to 2018-04-17, 4:00pm-5:59pm
Kelly Distinguished Lecture on Robots and Jobs—Cynthia Breazeal
Times: 2018-04-16 to 2018-04-17, 3:00pm-4:59pm
Leveraging Peer Review to Support and Enhance Learning at Scale
Times: 2018-04-16 to 2018-04-17, 11:30am-12:59pm
GT Neuro Seminar Series
Times: 2018-04-16, 11:15am-12:15pm
"Let's Talk"
Times: 2018-04-16 to 2018-04-17, 10:00am-11:59am


Additional Information


News Room

  • Created By: Eric Huffman
  • Created On: Oct 20, 2009 - 2:25pm
  • Last Updated: May 4, 2023 - 4:55pm