There is now a CONTENT FREEZE for Mercury while we switch to a new platform. It began on Friday, March 10 at 6pm and will end on Wednesday, March 15 at noon. No new content can be created during this time, but all material in the system as of the beginning of the freeze will be migrated to the new platform, including users and groups. Functionally the new site is identical to the old one. webteam@gatech.edu
Your feed items |
SGA Table Talk Times: 2016-11-02, 7:30pm-8:30pm |
Women in Music Tech Fall Concert and Reception Times: 2016-11-02 to 2016-11-03, 7:00pm-8:59pm |
Dolby Laboratories Info Session Times: 2016-11-02 to 2016-11-03, 6:00pm-6:59pm |
C2D2 Pre-Health Preparing to Apply Times: 2016-11-02 to 2016-11-03, 6:00pm-6:59pm |
C2D2 Pre-Health Interview Prep Times: 2016-11-02 to 2016-11-03, 5:00pm-5:59pm |
IMPACT Presents: Bill Nuti, NCR Corporation, " Building the Silicon Valley of the East" Times: 2016-11-02 to 2016-11-03, 4:30pm-5:59pm |
ChBE Seminar Series - Grant Willson Times: 2016-11-02 to 2016-11-03, 4:00pm-4:59pm |
ISyE Seminar - Sasha Rakhlin Times: 2016-11-02 to 2016-11-03, 3:00pm-2:59pm |
The Nuts and Bolts of Grant Writing Times: 2016-11-02, 3:00pm-4:30pm |
The Design of Nanoparticle-Based Treatments for Bacteremia: Model-Based Insights Times: 2016-11-02 to 2016-11-03, 2:00pm-2:59pm |
HSOC Workshop on Transnational History of Science and Technology Times: 2016-11-02 to 2016-11-03, 12:30pm-3:30pm |
ECE Seminar (ECE 2001A/ECE 8001A) Times: 2016-11-02 to 2016-11-03, 11:00am-11:59am |
PhD Defense by Sangita Ganesh Times: 2016-11-02 to 2016-11-03, 11:00am-12:59pm |
PhD Defense by Chunhee CHoo Times: 2016-11-02 to 2016-11-03, 11:00am-12:59pm |
Benefits Fair for 2017 Open Enrollment Times: 2016-11-02 to 2016-11-03, 10:00am-1:59pm |
PhD Defense by Nabil Kleinhenz Times: 2016-11-02 to 2016-11-03, 9:00am-10:59am |
PhD Defense by Gun Kim Times: 2016-11-02 to 2016-11-03, 9:00am-10:59am |
Refugee Resettlement and the Local/Global Politics of Culture, Community, Inclusion, and Leadership. Times: 2016-11-02 to 2016-11-03, 9:00am-3:59pm |
Radioactive Materials Safety Training Times: 2016-11-02 to 2016-11-03, 9:00am-11:59am |
Internet of Things for Manufacturing Workshop Times: 2016-11-02 to 2016-11-03, 9:00am-2:59pm |