There is now a CONTENT FREEZE for Mercury while we switch to a new platform. It began on Friday, March 10 at 6pm and will end on Wednesday, March 15 at noon. No new content can be created during this time, but all material in the system as of the beginning of the freeze will be migrated to the new platform, including users and groups. Functionally the new site is identical to the old one. webteam@gatech.edu
Your feed items |
GT Health Day Times: 2018-03-08 to 2018-03-09, 10:00am-12:59pm |
Celebrating Teaching Day Times: 2018-03-08 to 2018-03-09, 10:00am-12:59pm |
Ivan Allen Major Cup: Karaoke Times: 2018-03-07, 7:30pm-9:30pm |
OIE International Student Leadership Award Application Deadline Times: 2018-03-07 to 2018-03-08, 5:00pm-4:59pm |
Impact Presents: “Keys to Reinvention” Times: 2018-03-07 to 2018-03-08, 4:30pm-5:59pm |
EndNote X8 Training Session: Citation Management Times: 2018-03-07 to 2018-03-08, 4:00pm-4:59pm |
Science, Technology, and Society (STS) Faculty research presentations Times: 2018-03-07, 4:00pm-5:30pm |
Paper and Clay : Introductory Pottery Classes Times: 2018-03-07 to 2018-03-08, 3:00pm-4:59pm |
Behind the Barricades: The Inside Story of the I-85 Collapse and Rebuild Times: 2018-03-07, 3:00pm-4:30pm |
Renewable Energy Plan for Georgia Tech Open-House Input Session Times: 2018-03-07 to 2018-03-08, 1:00pm-2:59pm |
Renewable Energy Plan for Georgia Tech Open-House Input Session Times: 2018-03-07 to 2018-03-08, 1:00pm-2:59pm |
Recombinant DNA Training Times: 2018-03-07 to 2018-03-08, 10:00am-10:59am |
1st Transatlantic-Transpacific Workshop of the ML Research Triangle Times: 2018-03-07 to 2018-03-08, 9:30am-5:59pm |
Giving and Receiving Feedback Times: 2018-03-07, 9:00am-11:30am |
Falun Dafa Meditation Class Times: 2018-03-06 to 2018-03-07, 6:30pm-7:59pm |
RUF International Buzz Dinner and Discovery Times: 2018-03-06 to 2018-05-02, 6:00pm-5:59pm |
New Graduate Student Career Planning Times: 2018-03-06, 5:15pm-6:15pm |
Got files? What to keep and what to toss Times: 2018-03-06 to 2018-03-07, 3:00pm-3:59pm |
CHAI Seminar Series: Jim Rehg, PhD Times: 2018-03-06, 1:00pm-4:15pm |
RBI 2018 Executive Conference Times: 2018-03-06 to 2018-03-08, 1:00pm-12:59pm |