Mixed Use Test Feed

There is now a CONTENT FREEZE for Mercury while we switch to a new platform. It began on Friday, March 10 at 6pm and will end on Wednesday, March 15 at noon. No new content can be created during this time, but all material in the system as of the beginning of the freeze will be migrated to the new platform, including users and groups. Functionally the new site is identical to the old one. webteam@gatech.edu

Your feed items
Alternative Gardening Presentation
Times: 2020-10-27 to 2020-10-28, 11:00am-11:59am
HSOC Virtual Spring Preview
Times: 2020-10-27 to 2020-10-28, 11:00am-11:59am
Public Health & Racial Inequality: What Can Georgia Tech Students Do
Times: 2020-10-27 to 2020-10-28, 11:00am-11:59am
PhD Defense by Shashin Sharan
Times: 2020-10-27 to 2020-10-28, 11:00am-12:59pm
Tableau open learning lab (Online)
Times: 2020-10-27 to 2020-10-28, 11:00am-12:59pm
Queer Coffeehouse (Asexual and Aromantic Students)
Times: 2020-10-27 to 2020-10-28, 11:00am-11:59am
OneUSG Connect Special Topic Webinar: Commitment Accounting
Times: 2020-10-27 to 2020-10-28, 10:00am-10:59am
(POSTPONED) SCL Course: Demand-Driven Supply Chain Strategy
Times: 2020-10-27 to 2020-10-31, 8:30am-11:59am
Healthy Places Research Group Meeting - October 2020 Meeting
Times: 2020-10-27 to 2020-10-28, 7:30am-8:59am
Teaching Mass
Times: 2020-10-26, 5:30pm-6:15pm
From Science to Journalism: A Webinar with Ensia
Times: 2020-10-26, 3:30pm-4:30pm
Ph.D. Dissertation Defense - Rakshith Srinivasa
Times: 2020-10-26 to 2020-10-27, 1:00pm-2:59pm
ECE Student Seminar
Times: 2020-10-26, 12:30pm-1:20pm
Money Mondays: Get Started & Save for the Future You
Times: 2020-10-26 to 2020-10-27, 12:00pm-12:59pm


Additional Information


  • Created By: Eric Sembrat
  • Created On: Apr 7, 2021 - 9:26am
  • Last Updated: Apr 7, 2021 - 9:26am