There is now a CONTENT FREEZE for Mercury while we switch to a new platform. It began on Friday, March 10 at 6pm and will end on Wednesday, March 15 at noon. No new content can be created during this time, but all material in the system as of the beginning of the freeze will be migrated to the new platform, including users and groups. Functionally the new site is identical to the old one. webteam@gatech.edu
Your feed items |
Turnitin Feedback Studio (Schoology) - New Instructor Training Times: 2020-04-30 to 2020-05-01, 12:00pm-12:59pm |
Virtual Town Hall – Teaching Faculty Times: 2020-04-30 to 2020-05-01, 12:00pm-12:59pm |
PhD Defense by Uthaipon (Tao) Tantipongpipat Times: 2020-04-30, 10:30am-12:30pm |
Ph.D. Proposal Oral Exam - Victor Aladele Times: 2020-04-30 to 2020-05-01, 10:00am-11:59am |
Last Day of Final Exams Times: 2020-04-30, 12:00am-11:59pm |
Save the Date: Spring Banquet Times: 2020-04-30, 12:00am-11:59pm |
Ph.D. Proposal Oral Exam - Ali Eshaghian Dorche Times: 2020-04-29 to 2020-04-30, 4:00pm-5:59pm |
Empirical Trade Online Seminar Times: 2020-04-29, 3:00pm-4:30pm |
Feedback Studio - New Instructor Training - Native Times: 2020-04-29 to 2020-04-30, 3:00pm-3:59pm |
PhD Proposal by Caleb Voss Times: 2020-04-29 to 2020-04-30, 11:00am-12:59pm |
SENIC Technical Webinar Series: Session 2 -"Soft Lithography Methods of Fabrication" Times: 2020-04-29 to 2020-04-30, 11:00am-11:59am |
PhD Defense by Ian Pelse Times: 2020-04-29 to 2020-04-30, 10:00am-11:59am |
PhD Proposal by Bin Wu Times: 2020-04-29 to 2020-04-30, 9:00am-10:59am |
OneIT Spring 2020 Virtual Symposium Times: 2020-04-29, 8:30am-4:30pm |
Reading Period Times: 2020-04-29 to 2020-05-04, 8:00am-2:20pm |
Final Exams Times: 2020-04-29 to 2020-05-06, 12:00am-11:59pm |
CANCELLED: Ethics and Technological Futures lecture series Times: 2020-04-28, 4:00pm-5:30pm |
PhD Proposal by Prithayan Barua Times: 2020-04-28 to 2020-04-29, 2:00pm-2:59pm |
Ph.D. Proposal Oral Exam - Panni Wang Times: 2020-04-28 to 2020-04-29, 2:00pm-3:59pm |
Ph.D. Proposal Oral Exam - Bahnisikha Dutta Times: 2020-04-28 to 2020-04-29, 2:00pm-3:59pm |