UC Irvine's Beall Center Opens Exhibition Featuring GVU Center's AR Façade

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"This is the first time ARFaçade has been seen outside a university research laboratory," stated BlairMacIntyre, associate professor in the Schoolof Interactive Computing at GeorgiaTech's GVU Center and an expert in augmentedreality, computer graphics and human-computer interaction.

October 18, 2007 - InterSense, Inc., a leader in motion trackingtechnology, today announced its IS-1200 VisTracker system has been incorporatedinto the Grand Text Auto exhibition taking place from October 4 throughDecember 15 at the University of California, Irvine's Beall Center for Art +Technology. Collectively authored by sixartists and scholars, Grand Text Autois a popular blog about the potential of digital media. The event at the Beall Centermarks the first time a blog has become a gallery exhibition, during which GrandText Auto members are putting their concepts and ideas into practice in avariety of ways.

InterSense's technology hasbeen incorporated into an augmented reality (AR) installation of the acclaimeddesktop-based interactive drama, Façade. The new AR version of Façade, developed at theGeorgia Institute of Technology, utilizes the VisTracker system as a means totrack the players in real time as they move freely throughout the scene. Along with motion tracking, the playersutilize gestures and speech to interact with virtual characters that appeargraphically imposed in the scene, using an augmented video see-thru display. The InterSense inertial-optical IS-1200VisTracker is incorporated into the head mounted display to smoothly track theplayer's viewpoint over a large area to ensure that s/he has a realisticinteractive experience with the virtual characters.

AR Façade is described by its creators as a piece that "explores the combination ofinteractive virtual characters, non-linear narrative, and unconstrainedembodied interaction and serves as an instrument for understanding therelationship between presence and engagement." It was created by Steven Dow, Manish Mehta, Blair MacIntyre and MichaelMateas (now at UC Santa Cruz) at the Georgia Institute of Technology's GVU Center.

"This is the first time ARFaçade has been seen outside a university research laboratory," stated BlairMacIntyre, associate professor in the Schoolof Interactive Computing at GeorgiaTech's GVU Center and an expert in augmentedreality, computer graphics and human-computer interaction. "By using augmented reality to make Façademore immersive, we're allowing players to move beyond just playing the game 3/4 so they actually feel they are the game."

"InterSense is proud tosupport the creation of the AR Façade, as well as the cutting-edge researchconducted by the team at the Georgia Institute of Technology's GVU Center,"stated Dean Wormell, Director of Applications Marketing at InterSense. "This game is just a glance into the futureof augmented reality for use in training and manufacturing applications. The ability to interact seamlessly in a realenvironment with virtual elements provides an engaging experience in whichvirtual content can truly affect participants."

The BeallCenter for Art + Technology is locatedat the Claire TrevorSchool of the Arts, University of California, Irvine (712Arts Plaza, Irvine, CA). The exhibition is open Tuesday and Wednesday from12-5 pm and Thursdaythrough Saturday from 12-8 pm. For moreinformation on the exhibit please visit http://beallcenter.uci.edu

About InterSense

Founded in 1996, InterSense Inc. is a precision motiontechnology company delivering real time positioning, tracking and alignmentcapabilities, which bring higher speed and quality to visual simulation andenhanced vision and navigation applications. InterSense's patented motion tracking products enable realisticinteraction with computer graphics for demanding applications includingsimulation and training; oil and gas exploration; manufacturing; virtualprototyping and design; medical imaging; entertainment; and video/filmproduction. Privately-held InterSense isheadquartered in Bedford, Massachusetts. For more information, visit www.intersense.com.

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