There is now a CONTENT FREEZE for Mercury while we switch to a new platform. It began on Friday, March 10 at 6pm and will end on Wednesday, March 15 at noon. No new content can be created during this time, but all material in the system as of the beginning of the freeze will be migrated to the new platform, including users and groups. Functionally the new site is identical to the old one. webteam@gatech.edu
Your feed items |
Forces Behind the Movement Times: 2019-01-29 to 2019-01-30, 6:30pm-7:59pm |
Patent Tuesdays Times: 2019-01-29, 6:00pm-7:30pm |
Nobel Laureate Robert Aumann Lecture Times: 2019-01-29, 4:30pm-6:30pm |
Canvas Training By Instructure - Exploring the Canvas Commons - Jan 29, 2019 Times: 2019-01-29 to 2019-01-30, 3:00pm-3:59pm |
Ted Talk Tuesdays - January Times: 2019-01-29 to 2019-01-30, 11:00am-11:59am |
Healthy Places Research Group Meeting Times: 2019-01-29 to 2019-01-30, 7:30am-8:59am |
Chocolate and Meditation Times: 2019-01-28 to 2019-01-29, 6:00pm-6:59pm |
DCL Seminar Series: Prof. Daniel Liberzon Times: 2019-01-28, 5:30pm-6:30pm |
Canvas Training By Instructure - Home Pages - Jan 28, 2019 Times: 2019-01-28 to 2019-01-29, 5:00pm-5:59pm |
CoC Graduate Student Career Mixer Times: 2019-01-28 to 2019-01-29, 5:00pm-7:59pm |
Ask Me About Resumes Times: 2019-01-28 to 2019-04-16, 4:00pm-4:59pm |
HSOC Spring 2019 Speakers Series - Wendy Fu Times: 2019-01-28, 4:00pm-5:30pm |
PhD Proposal by Shannon Anderson Times: 2019-01-28 to 2019-01-29, 2:00pm-3:59pm |
January 2019 Drupal Drop-in Help (2nd session) Times: 2019-01-28, 1:30pm-3:30pm |
Job Candidate Seminar: Econometrics Times: 2019-01-28 to 2019-01-29, 1:30pm-2:59pm |
Southeast Center or Mathematics and Biology Annual Symposium Times: 2019-01-28 to 2019-01-30, 12:00pm-3:59pm |
2019 Georgia Tech Law School Fair Times: 2019-01-28 to 2019-01-29, 12:00pm-2:59pm |
GT Neuro Seminar Series Times: 2019-01-28, 11:15am-12:15pm |
Seminar - Murali Padala, PhD* Times: 2019-01-28 to 2019-01-29, 10:00am-10:59am |
Southeast Center for Mathematics and Biology (SCMB) Annual Symposium Times: 2019-01-28 to 2019-01-29, 12:00am-11:59pm |