2021 InVenture Prize Finalists: Where Are They Now? CADe is Making Headway Ahead of their Momentous Launch

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CADe is Making Headway Ahead of their Momentous Launch

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  • ImageforCADeWriteUp ImageforCADeWriteUp

By Frida Carrera


After almost a full year since the completion of the 2021 InVenture Prize Competition, we caught up with the 2021 finalist CADe team to see what they have been up to. Last year, the team competed with their patent-pending mobile application designed to improve computer-aided design efficiency. With members including Matt Segler, Sai Kilaru, Jake Depiero, and Sean Cody, the team has certainly made significant advancements for their innovation.

Recently, the CADe team completed Georgia Tech’s Startup Summer and was able to get an investment from notable tech entrepreneur and Georgia Tech alumni Chris Klaus. The CADe team has now fully incorporated the business, finished filing their full utility patent, and are working strenuously towards a soft launch in the next few weeks in preparation for their full launch next year.

CADe’s experience at the InVenture Prize Competition gave them not only the opportunity to receive guidance and feedback from mentors but the opportunity to have their pitch be the foundation of their presentations to investors and messaging to the public and target customers. They advise anyone who is considering participating in the next competition to simply try it!

“Even if you don’t win (like us) it’s an incredible process to go through. From pitch practice sessions to coaching to being on TV, it is a process that helps you develop as an inventor/entrepreneur and is also a great ‘resume item’ for your invention/company. The experience opened doors for us, and we learned a lot along the way,” Matt Segler advised.

For now, CADe’s focus is to prepare for their attendance at the SolidWorks World Convention in Atlanta in February where they will launch their product in front of CAD professionals from across various industries. They describe this event as the moment of truth for them and are excited for the future of CADe.

They recommend if you or someone you know uses the SolidWorks CAD package, check out www.getcadeapp.com .

To learn more about the upcoming InVenture Prize Competition visit https://inventureprize.gatech.edu/ . Registration closes on Jan. 19th, 2022. 

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InVenture Prize, CADe, Matt Segler, finalist
  • Created By: fcarrera3
  • Workflow Status: Draft
  • Created On: Dec 7, 2021 - 11:30am
  • Last Updated: Dec 7, 2021 - 11:30am