Ph.D. Dissertation Defense - Milad Frounchi

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Event Details
  • Date/Time:
    • Monday September 27, 2021
      9:30 am - 11:30 am
  • Location:
  • Phone:
  • URL:
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  • Fee(s):
  • Extras:
No contact information submitted.

Summary Sentence: Millimeter-wave Quadrature Receivers for Atmospheric Sensing and Radiometry

Full Summary: No summary paragraph submitted.

TitleMillimeter-wave Quadrature Receivers for Atmospheric Sensing and Radiometry


Dr. John Crssler ECE, Chair, Advisor

Dr. Paul Steffes, ECE

Dr. Nelson Lourenco, ECE

Dr. Albin Gasiewski, CU Boulder

Dr. Glenn Lightsey, AE

Abstract: The objective of this research is to investigate the design challenges of millimeter wave (mm-wave) quadrature receivers for emerging applications and develop new ideas to ad- dress these challenges. Next-generation wireless networks, satellite communications, at- mospheric sensing instruments, autonomous vehicle radars, and body scanners are targeting to operate at mm-wave frequencies, and high-performance electronics are needed to enable these technologies. In this research, we investigate novel circuit topologies to improve the performance of existing mm-wave quadrature receivers, particularly for radiometry and remote sensing applications. A transformer-based front-end switch is co-designed with an LNA where the transformer acts as the input matching network of the LNA, reducing the front- end loss and system noise figure. Broadband and low-loss quadrature signal generation networks are proposed to provide highly balanced quadrature signals to reject the image frequency content. In addition, a high-efficiency frequency multiplier topology is demon- strated, achieving superior performance compared to the state-of-the-art designs. Lastly, the reliability and noise performance of on-chip noise source devices (PN junctions) in a SiGe BiCMOS platform was characterized and compared. To confirm the advantages of our ideas, the measurement and simulation results of all fabricated circuits are presented and discussed.

Additional Information

In Campus Calendar

ECE Ph.D. Dissertation Defenses

Invited Audience
Phd Defense, graduate students
  • Created By: Daniela Staiculescu
  • Workflow Status: Published
  • Created On: Sep 10, 2021 - 3:10pm
  • Last Updated: Sep 10, 2021 - 3:10pm