Bioenergy: From Forestry Products to Fuels

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Oil and gas price volatility and growing global demand for energy is spurring new interest in the development of alternative fuels sources that are comparable to conventional fossil fuels in cost and performance.

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Oil and gas price volatility and growing global demand for energy is spurring new interest in the development of alternative fuels sources that are comparable to conventional fossil fuels in cost and performance.


Researchers at Georgia Tech are developing technologies to create greater and more efficient bio-renewable resources from sustainable and environmentally sound materials, such as forestry products, agricultural waste, and aquatic plants. Scientists use these materials as feedstock or raw materials to produce liquid fuels for transportation, fuel, or oil for electric power generation, as well as chemicals for producing products that are typically made from petroleum.

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Bioenergy, fossil fuels, costs, bio-renewable energy
  • Created By: vkaza3
  • Workflow Status: Draft
  • Created On: Aug 11, 2021 - 6:28pm
  • Last Updated: Aug 11, 2021 - 6:28pm