Clone of CREATE-X Deep Startups

There is now a CONTENT FREEZE for Mercury while we switch to a new platform. It began on Friday, March 10 at 6pm and will end on Wednesday, March 15 at noon. No new content can be created during this time, but all material in the system as of the beginning of the freeze will be migrated to the new platform, including users and groups. Functionally the new site is identical to the old one.

Event Details
  • Date/Time:
    • Tuesday October 13, 2020 - Wednesday October 14, 2020
      5:00 pm - 6:59 pm
  • Location: Virtual
  • Phone:
  • URL:
  • Email:
  • Fee(s):
  • Extras:

Tamesha Squire


Summary Sentence: Hear knowledgeable entrepreneurs discuss their experiences forming companies that solve big-picture current problems!

Full Summary: Deep Startups is an Idea Series that features knowledgeable entrepreneurs who discuss their experiences forming companies that solve big-picture current problems. These individuals speak to the concept of ‘deep startups’ and how to create companies that make a difference. Deep Startups Tuesday, October 13th, 5-7pm via Blue Jeans RSVP now! About the Speaker Omar will talk about how to hunt and search for areas of extreme inefficiency and explore how AI is well tuned for such opportunities. He will discuss his approach and the purposely built AI-driven platform for better risk assessment of real-time global events and news from around the world. Omar Balkissoon is the Founder and Executive Chairman of Geospark Analytics. Omar is constantly challenging the status quo looking for seams of opportunity where innovative ideas can flourish. He was the founder and CEO of OGSystems where he generated over 1BN in revenues before the successful acquisition in 2019. From there he incubated a SaaS-based platform that inventories the globe's key threats and opportunities creating hourly index scoring, believing if you can see tomorrow you can win today. In 2020, Omar transitioned to Zero Gravity Capital, his Angel and Venture firm founded with the philosophy of entrepreneurs investing in entrepreneurs developing the next generation of ideas to reality. Omar believes in unleashing the creative spirit within teams, enabling the best ideas, solutions, and concepts to surface without all the distractions that surround early stage entrepreneurs. Zero Gravity Capital takes current and former operators from boot-strapped ideas to sustainable and growth-oriented businesses.

  • Deep Startups 10.1.20 Deep Startups 10.1.20

Deep Startups is an Idea Series that features knowledgeable entrepreneurs who discuss their experiences forming companies that solve big-picture current problems. These individuals speak to the concept of ‘deep startups’ and how to create companies that make a difference.

Deep Startups Tuesday, October 13th, 5-7pm

Click here to join the Blue Jeans event

RSVP now!

About the Speaker

Omar will talk about how to hunt and search for areas of extreme inefficiency and explore how AI is well tuned for such opportunities. He will discuss his approach and the purposely built AI-driven platform for better risk assessment of real-time global events and news from around the world.

Omar Balkissoon is the Founder and Executive Chairman of Geospark Analytics. Omar is constantly challenging the status quo looking for seams of opportunity where innovative ideas can flourish. He was the founder and CEO of OGSystems where he generated over 1BN in revenues before the successful acquisition in 2019. From there he incubated a SaaS-based platform that inventories the globe's key threats and opportunities creating hourly index scoring, believing if you can see tomorrow you can win today. In 2020, Omar transitioned to Zero Gravity Capital, his Angel and Venture firm founded with the philosophy of entrepreneurs investing in entrepreneurs developing the next generation of ideas to reality. Omar believes in unleashing the creative spirit within teams, enabling the best ideas, solutions, and concepts to surface without all the distractions that surround early stage entrepreneurs. Zero Gravity Capital takes current and former operators from boot-strapped ideas to sustainable and growth-oriented businesses.


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Additional Information

In Campus Calendar

Invited Audience
Faculty/Staff, Public, Undergraduate students
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CREATE-X; startups
  • Created By: smally6
  • Workflow Status: Draft
  • Created On: Oct 15, 2020 - 1:44pm
  • Last Updated: Oct 15, 2020 - 1:44pm