There is now a CONTENT FREEZE for Mercury while we switch to a new platform. It began on Friday, March 10 at 6pm and will end on Wednesday, March 15 at noon. No new content can be created during this time, but all material in the system as of the beginning of the freeze will be migrated to the new platform, including users and groups. Functionally the new site is identical to the old one.

Your feed items
Electives Fair
Times: 2019-10-30, 3:30pm-5:30pm
GVU Center Research Showcase | Fall 2019
Times: 2019-10-30 to 2019-10-31, 2:00pm-4:59pm
Avoiding Plagiarism (and citing your references correctly)
Times: 2019-10-30 to 2019-10-31, 2:00pm-2:59pm
ISyE Department Seminar - Kevin Leder
Times: 2019-10-30, 1:30pm-2:30pm
Phd Proposal by Steven Zhang
Times: 2019-10-30 to 2019-10-31, 1:00pm-2:59pm
PACE - Linux 101
Times: 2019-10-30 to 2019-10-31, 1:00pm-2:59pm
Ph.D. Dissertation Defense - Nicholas Bertrand
Times: 2019-10-30, 12:30pm-2:30pm
ECE Student Seminar
Times: 2019-10-30, 12:20pm-1:10pm
IRIM Robotics Seminar—Dan Goldman
Times: 2019-10-30, 12:15pm-1:15pm
Oct. 30: Info Session for 2020 Open Enrollment
Times: 2019-10-30 to 2019-10-31, 12:00pm-12:59pm
Flying Through a Waterfall & Swimming through complex wakes
Times: 2019-10-30 to 2019-10-31, 12:00pm-12:59pm
OMSCS Wednesday Webinar: Mastering LinkedIn
Times: 2019-10-30 to 2019-10-31, 12:00pm-12:59pm
University of Georgia Grad Fair
Times: 2019-10-30 to 2019-10-31, 11:00am-1:59pm
Karen Head to give poetry reading Oct. 30
Times: 2019-10-30 to 2019-10-31, 11:00am-11:59am
Craft Circle
Times: 2019-10-30 to 2019-10-31, 11:00am-1:59pm
Strategic Plan: All Campus Visioning Session
Times: 2019-10-30 to 2019-10-31, 10:30am-11:59am
Ph.D. Proposal Oral Exam - Robert Friedlander
Times: 2019-10-30, 10:30am-12:30pm
Phd Proposal by Liang Liu
Times: 2019-10-30 to 2019-10-31, 10:00am-11:59am


Additional Information


Georgia Tech High Performance Computing (PACE)

  • Created By: ssarajlic3
  • Created On: Jun 11, 2020 - 3:12pm
  • Last Updated: Jun 11, 2020 - 3:12pm