There is now a CONTENT FREEZE for Mercury while we switch to a new platform. It began on Friday, March 10 at 6pm and will end on Wednesday, March 15 at noon. No new content can be created during this time, but all material in the system as of the beginning of the freeze will be migrated to the new platform, including users and groups. Functionally the new site is identical to the old one. webteam@gatech.edu
We at Bhakti Yoga Club at Georgia Tech want to improve the quality of living of students and faculty by teaching them principles for a stress-free, happy, and meaningful life. We offer free online classes on various forms of yoga every day. We do simple exercises followed by yoga practices and go deep into our consciousness with discussions from yoga texts. Don't miss this opportunity to learn intentional living, conscious eating, and mindful co-existence--this might be the point your life changes for the better!
Here is the Zoom video link to join every day. Previous videos are on the Facebook page.
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