Irizarry Elected to Assistant Regional Director for Associated Schools of Construction

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Teri Nagel


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In this position, Dr. Irizarry will contribute to the planning efforts of ASC Region 2 annual student competition

  • Javier Irizarry Javier Irizarry

Building Construction Assistant Professor Javier Irizarry was recently elected to serve a three-year term as Assistant Regional Director for Region 2 of the Associated Schools of Construction (ASC). Dr. Irizarry was elected during the ASC Student Competition at the 2010 Region 2 Business Meeting and Faculty Conference held Oct. 21 in Hoover, Alabama.

In this position, Dr. Irizarry will contribute to the planning efforts of ASC Region 2 annual student competition, which will take place in Atlanta in 2012 and 2013. In addition, he will coordinate the re-design of Region 2 online presence to better integrate social media to enhance communication among its members.

Region 2 of ASC includes 17 universities in the Southeastern United States. The Associated Schools of Construction is the professional association for the development and advancement of construction education, where the sharing of ideas and knowledge inspires, guides and promotes excellence in curricula, teaching, research and service. For information about ASC, visit

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Building Construction, javier irrizary
  • Created By: Teri Nagel
  • Workflow Status: Published
  • Created On: Oct 29, 2010 - 10:54am
  • Last Updated: Oct 7, 2016 - 11:07pm