Atlanta, GA | Posted:
February 4, 2019
94% of women in the C-suite played sports and 74% of executive women say that a background in sports can help accelerate a women’s career according to a study by Ernst and Young.
Athletics help girls become future leaders by building self- confidence and teaching leadership skills.
Girls who play sports develop a sense of teamwork, resilience, and perform better in school. The Women Sports Foundation celebrates National Girls and Women in Sports Day every February 6
th. This holiday recognizes the achievements of women and girls in athletics. The Campus Recreation Complex (CRC) is proud to highlight one of their very own female athletes, women’s club volleyball president and 4
th year mechanical engineer student, Ashley Stroup.
Q: How many years have you been playing volleyball?
A: I have been playing volleyball since I was 6, so that’s 15 years now. I’ve been passing a volleyball since I was 2 or 3 because my mom was a coach.
Q: What do you enjoy most about playing?
A: Playing, for me, has always been a stress reliever! I am always excited when I get to play volleyball. I love being a part of a team and being able to compete.
Q: Why did you decide to continue playing volleyball in college?
A: Not playing volleyball seemed wrong to me. I still wanted to play, but not at a varsity level. Club was the perfect solution because I was still playing competitively while also devoting enough time for my engineering work.
Q: How has playing volleyball made an impact on your life?
A: Volleyball has made me the person that I am today because it has always been a constant in my life. I played a lot of different sports growing up which taught me invaluable lessons about attitude, commitment, and perseverance. Volleyball though has not only given me the opportunity to be a leader but also to learn new things from my teammates.
Q: The Women in Sports Foundation stated that 3 in 5 girls do not get enough physical activity. Why do you think that is?
A: Sadly, I think people are more sedentary in today’s society due to technology like phones and iPads. I would be interested to see what the statistic is for boys as well. I believe too that there are still some stereotypes about women in sports that would discourage a girl from physical activity.
Q: What was the greatest lesson you learned from sports that has helped you succeed in college?
A: The greatest lesson that I learned from sports that has helped me succeed is never giving up. Volleyball was something that I was passionate about but also something that I really had to work at. College and engineering especially are tough. However, I know that if I keep trying and persisting, it will all work out in the long run.
Q: What female athlete do you admire the most and why?
A: I always remember watching Kerri Walsh Jennings and her partner Misty May-Treanor in the Olympics when I was growing up, so I guess I would have to say Kerri. I admired her passion and commitment to volleyball, and she was an incredible athlete.
Sport Clubs are part of the competitive sports program at the CRC, and offer over 40 clubs for students to compete inter-collegiately. If you are interested in joining the volleyball team or any other team at the Campus Recreation Complex (CRC) visit
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- Created By: Christine Kapurch
- Workflow Status: Published
- Created On: Feb 4, 2019 - 9:24am
- Last Updated: Feb 5, 2019 - 8:54am