There is now a CONTENT FREEZE for Mercury while we switch to a new platform. It began on Friday, March 10 at 6pm and will end on Wednesday, March 15 at noon. No new content can be created during this time, but all material in the system as of the beginning of the freeze will be migrated to the new platform, including users and groups. Functionally the new site is identical to the old one. webteam@gatech.edu
Atlanta, GA | Posted: May 7, 2018
(1) Bookstore
The bookstore will move to summer hours on Monday, May 7th:
Starbucks (inside the bookstore)
(2) Campus Recreation
Beginning Sunday, May 6th, until Monday, August 20th
CRC Hours of Operation change to Summer Hours
(3) Dining
North Ave
Food Court
Summer Hours Begin Monday, May 7th
Dunkin Donuts
Summer Hours Begin Monday, May 7th
Ferst Place
Taco Bell
Panda Express
Blue Donkey
Auntie Anne’s
Freshens (in CRC)
Highland Bakery
Food Anatomy
Starbucks (in Clough)
Wing Zone
Starbucks- West Village
Panera-West Village
Simple Servings, Olive, Spice Trail
Farm House
Local Chef
Waffle House
(4) Stamps Health Services
Summer Hours of Operation
(5) Student Center
Mon 5/7 – Thu 5/10: BuzzCard access after 8pm
Fri 5/11: BuzzCard access after 10pm
Sat 5/12: BuzzCard access after 10pm
Sun 5/13: BuzzCard access after 9pm
West Village
Mon 5/7 – Fri 5/11: BuzzCard access only
Sat 5/12 - Sun 5/13: Closed – restricted access only
Information Desk
Mon 5/7 – Fri 5/11: 8am – 5pm
Sat 5/12 – Sun 5/13: Closed
Tech Rec
Fri 5/4 - Sun 5/13: Closed for summer break
Paper & Clay
Fri 5/4 - Sun 5/13: Closed for summer break
Under the Couch
Sat 5/5 - Sun 5/13: Closed for summer break
Post Office
Mon 5/7 – Fri 5/11: 8:30am – 5pm
Sat 5/12: 10am-12pm
Sun 5/13: Closed
(6) Transportation
Service days and hours are the same with reduced service levels (i.e. 1 Red Stinger instead of 4). with the following exceptions
- GT- Emory Shuttle hours/times are shorter and different.
- GT-Emory vehicle is a VAN not bus
- Midnight Rambler and Tech Square Express do not operate during the Summer
Questions? Email Transportation Operations Manager at david.crites@pts.gatech.edu