Rosser Book Highlights Marginalized Women\'s Health Issues

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Rebecca Keane
Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts
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Book Offers Feminist Perspective

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Johns Hopkins University Press has published Ivan Allen College Dean Sue V. Rosser's twelfth book, "Diversity and Women's Health". A professor of public policy and professor of history, technology, and society, Rosser edited the anthology which presents cutting-edge research on women's health from a feminist perspective.


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Johns Hopkins University Press has published Ivan Allen College Dean Sue V. Rosser's newest book, Diversity and Women's Health. A professor of public policy and professor of history, technology, and society, Rosser edited the anthology which presents cutting-edge research on women's health from a feminist perspective.

Rosser and contributors to this collection of essays show that, despite progress and expansion in the study of women's health, significant disparities exist in diagnosis and treatment among women because of their race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, and age from both medical and women's studies perspectives.

They argue that health care issues affecting diverse groups of women remain underfunded and understudied and must become a central part of the broader conversation on women's health in the United States. In reviewing the history of feminist scholarship on health care, the volume shows how bringing a feminist perspective to biomedical research will address the health care needs of marginalized groups in the United States.

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Diversity & Women\'s Health, Sue V. Rosser
  • Created By: Rebecca Keane
  • Workflow Status: Published
  • Created On: Jun 11, 2009 - 8:00pm
  • Last Updated: Oct 7, 2016 - 11:02pm