Etienne on Haiti on

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Rebecca Keane
Ivan Allen Colege
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Summary Sentence:

Public Policy's Harley Etienne spoke with

Full Summary:

Public Policy's Harley Etienne spoke with about his concerns for his uncle, cousins and his best friend's mother who live in a suburb of Port-au-Prince. "It's all making my family here [in the U.S.] very nervous and scared," he said. "My uncle lives on a hill so it's quite upsetting. He lives in the same house that my father and his six brothers and sisters grew up in." "All we can do is wait and hope," he said..

Public Policy's Harley Etienne spoke with about his concerns for his uncle, cousins and his best friend's mother who live in a suburb of Port-au-Prince. "It's all making my family here [in the U.S.] very nervous and scared," he said. "My uncle lives on a hill so it's quite upsetting. He lives in the same house that my father and his six brothers and sisters grew up in." "All we can do is wait and hope," he said..

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Earthquake, haiti, Harley Etienne, public policy
  • Created By: Rebecca Keane
  • Workflow Status: Published
  • Created On: Jan 13, 2010 - 8:00pm
  • Last Updated: Oct 7, 2016 - 11:06pm