Institute Planning and Resource Management Announces Interim Leadership Changes

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Jennifer Hubert
Interim Executive Director
Institute Planning and Resource Management

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With the recent departure of Dr. Jeff Scott, former senior vice president for Administration and Finance, Institute Planning and Resource Management announces interim leadership changes.

Full Summary:

With the recent departure of Dr. Jeff Scott, former senior vice president for Administration and Finance, Institute Planning and Resource Management announces interim leadership changes.

Dr. Jeff Scott, former senior vice president for Administration and Finance, departed Georgia Tech this past November to accept a position at the University of Washington. Jeff will serve in a newly created role of executive vice president for Finance and Administration, reporting directly to University of Washington President Ana Mari Cauce.

To maintain an effective management structure that will facilitate communication and provide focus on key activities, the following individuals will have these respective roles during this transition.

Jim Fortner, interim vice president for Finance, will have sole responsibility for key financial functions, reporting and compliance. In this role, he will report directly to Steve Swant, executive vice president for Administration and Finance. In addition to his current role, Jim will now have oversight for the financial systems transformation project. Jim will also work with academic, administrative and research units’ financial leaders to continue fostering the Institute-wide focus on effective and compliant financial management. 

Jennifer Hubert, interim executive director for Institute Planning and Resource Management, and JulieAnne Williamson, assistant vice president for Administration and Finance, will co-lead the planning functions for Institute Planning and Resource Management (IPRM) which includes Institute Budget Planning and Administration, Decision Support Services, Real Estate Development, Capital Planning and Space Management, and the Institute Finance Support Team. Jennifer and JulieAnne have shared responsibilities to manage the portfolio of key planning activities, and provide day-to-day oversight and coordination of these functions.

During this interim period, all matters previously directed to the senior vice president for Administration and Finance should now be directed to Jim Fortner, Jennifer Hubert and/or JulieAnne Williamson. They will work closely together and with Divisional leadership to ensure that the right people are brought together to address any questions, opportunities, or issues that arise.

There will be a national search for a senior vice president for Administration and Finance in the new year. More details will be shared as plans develop.

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Administration and Finance, Financial Services, TechWorks

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  • Created By: Rachael Pocklington
  • Workflow Status: Published
  • Created On: Dec 2, 2016 - 9:58am
  • Last Updated: Dec 2, 2016 - 3:14pm