C. elegans worm sorting chip

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C. elegans worm sorting chip

A custom designed chip is used to immobilize C. elegans roundworms for photographing by a microscope optic connected to a computer. The chip then sorts the worms into one of two channels for either mutants or non-mutants, a status an algorythm determines based on subtle phenotypical differences it recognizes in the microscope photo. Credit: Georgia Tech / Rob Felt

Additional Information


College of Sciences, News Room, Research Horizons

Research, Biotechnology, Health, Bioengineering, Genetics, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Engineering, Life Sciences and Biology
C. elegans, chip, Phenotyping, genotype, genome, neurology, Professor Hang Lu, computational genetics
  • Created By: Ben Brumfield
  • Workflow Status: Published
  • Created On: Nov 23, 2016 - 10:08am
  • Last Updated: Nov 23, 2016 - 10:09am