Computing Student Cindy Robertson and Associate Professor Blair MacIntyre Win Honorable Mention Award at ISMAR 2007

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College of Computing graduate student Cindy M. Robertson and Associate Professor Blair MacIntyre have won the Honorable Mention Award at the Sixth IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR 2007) held between November 13-16, 2007 in Nara, Japan. Their entry was one of the three papers awarded this year in the symposium.

College of Computing graduate student Cindy M. Robertson and Associate Professor Blair MacIntyre have won the Honorable Mention Award at the Sixth IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR 2007) held between November 13-16, 2007 in Nara, Japan . The paper, titled "An Evaluation of Graphical Context as a Means for Ameliorating the Effects of Registration Error," was one of the three papers awarded this year in the symposium.

This paper describes the results of an experiment to evaluate the effects of registration error in a Lego block placement task and the effectiveness of graphical context at ameliorating these effects. The results of this experiment indicated that adding graphical context to a scene in which some registration error is present can allow a person to effectively operate in such an environment with a reduced number of errors made and in a shorter amount of time.

Cindy is a computer science graduate student with an emphasis in augmented reality. She holds a BS in Engineering from the University of South Carolina and recently defended her PhD thesis. Her advisor and co-author of the award winning paper, Dr. Blair MacIntyre, directs the Augmented Environments Lab, whose research focuses on the design and implementation of computer-enhanced interactive environments. His current focus is on augmented reality environments, especially those that use personal displays (ie. displays worn or carried by the user) to directly augment a user's perception of their environment.


The IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, or ISMAR is a research platform for scientists working in Mixed Reality (MR) and Augmented Reality (AR). ISMAR has enabled the creation of fascinating new types of user interfaces, which are beginning to show significant impact on industry and society. Since 1998, ISMAR and its forerunner events, IWAR/ISAR and ISMR, have been the premier forums in this vital field. This year, the sixth ISMAR was held in Nara, Japan and was attended by 241 participants. For further information, please visit ISMAR at

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  • Created By: Louise Russo
  • Workflow Status: Published
  • Created On: Feb 9, 2010 - 4:43pm
  • Last Updated: Oct 7, 2016 - 11:04pm