Atlanta, GA | Posted:
December 3, 2015
Students share their stress-relief methods, and the Counseling Center offers tips.
Finals week is tough no matter what major or year you are as a student at Tech. It’s important to remember how to manage stress and take care of yourself when classwork and exams are at an all-time high.
Here are a few tips on how to manage stress from Tiffiny Hughes-Troutman, Outreach and Professional Development Coordinator for the Georgia Tech Counseling Center.
- Take care of yourself. “It is critical to eat well and get as much sleep as possible during the period before finals,” Hughes-Troutman said. “Students often have study marathons or lose sleep by ‘cramming,’ but this is very unproductive. Also, activities like mini-breaks, deep breathing, yoga, and meditation have a calming effect on the body.”
- Concentrate on the tasks at hand. “Focus on the present goals and short-term tasks. Excessive worry over future activities that you cannot control will cause you to become more anxious.”
- Stay connected. “Social support from friends, family, and community members will help you understand that you're not alone and that you can cope with your problems. Social isolation can make symptoms of stress and anxiety worse.”
- Ask for help. “Go to the Counseling Center for a workshop or to consult on a problem, or ask for help from advisors, deans, or mentors. Smart and motivated students are often reluctant to ask for help, but help-seeking is a sign of strength —not a weakness.”
For more information about the Georgia Tech Counseling Center, visit
Other Resources
There are still several events and activities around campus during the next few weeks for students to enjoy during their study breaks.
- Attend the Counseling Center's free Wellness and Stress Management workshop, entitled "Mind Matters: Using Psychology to Enhance Your Academic and Test Performance," today from 11 a.m. to noon in room 115, Instructional Center.
- Schedule some time in the Counseling Center's Relaxation Room to watch a video, relax, read, or practice some mindfulness. The Counseling Center is located in Suite 238 of the Smithgall Student Services (Flag) Building.
- Stop by Clough Commons during Dead Week to enjoy a midnight snack. Emerging Leaders is hosting Dead Week Donuts and will be serving beverages and donuts at midnight every day of Dead Week.
- The Georgia Tech Library will have therapy dogs in the Neely Lobby today from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
- Attend Freshman First today to encourage freshman (or be encouraged if you are one), enjoy motivational words from campus leaders, and have a snack or hot chocolate.
- Reserve a ticket for Midnight Breakfast on Dec. 8, a Tech tradition hosted by the Student Center Programs Council.
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- Created By: Rachel Isaac
- Workflow Status: Published
- Created On: Dec 3, 2015 - 5:15am
- Last Updated: Oct 7, 2016 - 11:20pm