There is now a CONTENT FREEZE for Mercury while we switch to a new platform. It began on Friday, March 10 at 6pm and will end on Wednesday, March 15 at noon. No new content can be created during this time, but all material in the system as of the beginning of the freeze will be migrated to the new platform, including users and groups. Functionally the new site is identical to the old one. webteam@gatech.edu
Your feed items |
GVU Center Brown Bag Seminar: Interactivity 2018 "One-Minute Madness" Times: 2018-02-01 to 2018-02-02, 11:30am-12:59pm |
2018 Ideas 2 Serve (I2S) Kick-Off Info Session Times: 2018-02-01 to 2018-02-02, 11:00am-11:59am |
BIG Georgia Tech-Lorraine Information Session Times: 2018-02-01, 11:00am-11:45am |
SLS Information Session - What IS Serve-Learn-Sustain? Times: 2018-02-01 to 2018-02-02, 11:00am-11:59am |
SLS Information Session - What IS Serve-Learn-Sustain? Times: 2018-02-01 to 2018-02-02, 11:00am-11:59am |
Stress Management 101 Times: 2018-02-01 to 2018-02-02, 11:00am-11:59am |
Free Bike Safety Class! Times: 2018-02-01 to 2018-02-02, 11:00am-11:59am |
China Summer Program Info Session Times: 2018-02-01, 11:00am-11:45am |
Taxes 101 for Graduate Students Times: 2018-02-01 to 2018-02-02, 11:00am-11:59am |
ECN Professional Development: Strategically Deliver Your Professional Message Times: 2018-02-01 to 2018-02-02, 11:00am-11:59am |
Michelle Masse: ICLAST Lunch Workshop on Academic Careers Times: 2018-02-01, 11:00am-12:30pm |
The Pale Orange Dot Times: 2018-02-01, 11:00am-11:50am |
How to Get a Job Times: 2018-02-01 to 2018-02-02, 11:00am-11:59am |
Epigenetic Approaches to Understanding Stress and Trauma in Humans Times: 2018-02-01, 10:55am |
Introduction to R Studio Times: 2018-02-01 to 2018-02-02, 10:00am-10:59am |
Transformative Narratives Salon I – Our Stories: A Mirror Toward Ourselves Times: 2018-02-01 to 2018-02-02, 9:30am-10:59am |
Study Abroad Deadline: Exchanges Times: 2018-02-01, 12:00am-11:59pm |
Men's Basketball vs. Syracuse Times: 2018-01-31 to 2018-02-01, 8:00pm-9:59pm |