Dedication of the Ben T. Zinn Combustion Laboratory

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Event Details

Glenda Duncan,

Margaret Ojala,


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  • Ben Zinn Ben Zinn

The Ben T. Zinn Combustion Laboratory will be dedicated on Nov. 2 to recognize Zinn's more than 40 years as an aerospace engineering professor at Georgia Tech and his work in combustion processes and instabilities. The program will begin at 11 a.m. with a reception to follow. Parking will be available. Please R.S.V.P to Glenda Duncan at or 404-894-3032. 

The dedication ceremony concludes the two-day Ben T. Zinn Symposium on Combustion Instabilities, which features speakers from industry, NASA and universities across the world.  The symposium begins on at 8:45 a.m. on Nov. 1 in the Weber Building's CoVE Room. 

Zinn joined the Georgia Tech in 1965 and attained the rank of Regents' Professor in 1973. His fields of research include: control of combustion processes, combustion instabilities in rocket motors, ramjets, jet engine and gas turbines, oscillatory flame phenomena, reacting flows, acoustics and pulse combustion. He has published 117 refereed papers and 213 reports and unrefereed papers, edited two AIAA Progress Series books on combustion diagnostics, wrote the section on "Pulsating Combustion" for a book entitled Advanced Combustion Methods, which was published by Academic Press, and he has given 354 seminars/lectures at various universities and conferences throughout the world. He is also a co-holder of seven patents.

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Ben T. Zinn lab dedication, School of Aerospace Engineering, symposium on combustion dynamics
  • Created By: Liz Klipp
  • Workflow Status: Draft
  • Created On: Oct 31, 2012 - 6:53am
  • Last Updated: Oct 7, 2016 - 10:00pm