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The US National Committee on Biomechanics is proud to sponsor a one-day Symposium on the Mechanics in Oncology. The meeting will precede the 2012 BMES Annual Meeting in Atlanta.
CLICK HERE to register.
Mechanical forces in solid structural elements of tissues and cells are key directors of normal biological processes including development, inflammation and wound healing. Forces in cells can be generated by themselves, or imposed by other cells, tissue strain or fluid flow. As solid tumors grow, there are dramatic changes in the structural properties of the tissue, cell- protein signaling and intra-tumor forces that may be important in progression of cancer. Thus, there is an urgent need for research at the interface of biology and mechanics aimed at understanding how biomechanical signals are involved in tumor biology and physiology, especially within the tumor microenvironment.
This Frontiers Meeting will bring together cancer biologists, engineers and biophysicists to discuss the state of the art and future directions in this exciting and promising field.
Conference Co-Chairs
Cheng Dong
Lance Munn
Fan Yuan
Keynote Speaker
Rakesh Jain - Steele Lab for Tumor Biology, Massachusetts General Hospital & Harvard Medical School, USA
“Normalizing the biochemical and mechanical tumor microenvironment to treat cancer: Bench to bedside”
Featured Speakers
Gang Bao - Georgia Tech, USA
Dan Fletcher - University of California Berkeley, USA
Paul Janmey - University of Pennsylvania, USA
Kostas Konstantopoulos - Johns Hopkins, USA
Nastaran Kuhn - Office of Physical Sciences- Oncology, NCI, USA
Melody Swartz - Institute of Bioengineering, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland
Valerie Weaver - University of California San Francisco, USA
Kaiming Ye - Biomedical Engineering Program, NSF, USA
Mareike Zink - University of Leipzig, Germany
Program and Abstracts
Submissions are now being accepted for the US National Committee on Biomechanics 4th Symposium on Fronties in Biomechanics. Abstract guidelines will generally follow the standard BMES Annual meeting ONE PAGE ABSTRACT requirements.
Deadline to submit Abstract Sept. 1, 2012.
To submit abstracts please email completed abstracts to usncb2012@engr.psu.edu.
Registration info
Early - $75.00 received by September 14, 2012 (Box Lunch included)
Regular - $85.00 received by October 14, 2012 (Box Lunch included)
Late/On-Site - $100.00 (No lunch included)
Cancellation Policy: Full refunds for cancellation received on or before October 15, 2012. No refunds after that date.
CLICK HERE to Register